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Blog report – July 2017

The first blog report is delayed due to family issues but I try to get back on track as soon as I can, however it is not exactly easy. I have not given up my plan to publish a monthly blog report to see how the blog is performing.

Although the blog started in June it only makes sense to analyse July as this was the month when I shared it with friends and my network and it started to attract readers. (Oh, this sounds as if I had a very successful blog…)

I do not have massive number of friends and network, therefore I am pleased about the 392 page views. The blog had 112 visitors and spent 2 minutes in average on the site reading posts. The majority of the visitors were obviously from Hungary (144 page views) but the blog had visitors from France, Germany, Spain, Austria and the USA. I do not consider Sweden, China, India and Vietnam to be proper visitors as most probably these were people from the hosting company and the support team of the template I bought or the server of the site speed check.

The top posts were the following:

A baroque house with a love story – Ashdown House (26)

Vanilla white chocolate cupcake (16)

Burgh Island and art deco (15)

The post about the baroque house is leading most probably because I notified my friends and network about the blog right before this article was published. I am not surprised about the popularity of the cupcake as even on social media food and cakes are one of the most popular topics. (Mmm… This should be considered in the future…) And I am pleased about the success of the Burgh island and art deco, there seems to be a genuine interest behind the clicks.

An interesting detail about the blog: 74% of the users read the blog on their mobile devices, the rest was equally split between tablets and desktop devices. I am pleased that 57% of the visitors are returning visitors and people also reached out to the blog via Instagram (10) and Facebook (11). And the last detail: I have not earned a single penny.

I do not have a marketing background (although I read quite a lot about this type of analysis), so I need to find out more about the statistics and go deeper into the results to analyse them. It is just not easy beside work and to keep up with everything as there is so much to do with the blog all the time.

And a few words about the plans and goals. I would like to increase the number of readers, the returning readers and the time spent on the site. For this I need to be more active on social media which is possible, only if I work ahead and have a few posts ready. I would think I need to increase the speed of the site for which I probably have to invest a little money. And last but not least, I would love to have more people signed up for the newsletter of course. I am aware there are a few spelling mistakes in some of the posts (which are down to the family situation I am in at the moment) but I will correct them and avoid making new ones.

Perhaps the most important thing of all is that I received some positive feedback from English individuals about the blog (which I did not expect at all) and was told to make an English version as well, as the topics I tend to write about could be interesting for an English person as well. It is lot of work, but I will try. I have always been fully aware that the Hungarian audience would be limited, but I wanted to write in my mother language, as it is important for me to share experiences and more importantly the knowledge I have picked up so far about English architecture which – to my knowledge – is not yet available in Hungarian.

I have no idea as of yet how I can cope with this huge task beside the family issues, but I will do my utmost to make it happen.

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