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bath the paragon

Georgian architecture (1710-1815)

Georgian architecture is a huge topic to cover, introducing Neo-Palladianism, Gothic and Chinoiserie, which I shall explain, however this post…

winchester bollards

Winchester and its bollards

Winchester has a special ambiance. I mean the town Winchester in Hampshire, not the gun. The first time I was…

witney buttercross

What is a buttercross?

The first time I saw a buttercross was when I watched a Poirot episode, the “Cornish Mystery” where Inspector Japp…

burgh island

Burgh Island and Art deco

Everybody can mention a place which put a spell on him/her, which had a magical and special ambiance. There is…

Dorney Court front

Tudor architecture

As I am going to represent the different architectural styles you will see that each of them could be called…


English bricks

Wherever you go in England you would find houses built of bricks. Some people associate terracotta coloured bricks with the…

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