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victorian christmas card

English Christmas 2 – Traditions

Let’s think for a while and imagine how Christmas could be like when Queen Victoria became the queen of the UK. Things that make Christmas really great such as the Christmas tree, Santa Clause, Christmas cake, Christmas turkey, did not…

full english breakfast

The Full English breakfast

Plot: Six, square shaped, tiny toasts on a plate, five with red jam on top. The jam is just sliding onto the sixth one. ’Good morning, Poirot.’ ’Bon jour, Hastings.’ ’Is that all your having?’ ’What more is there to…

English Christmas 1 – Evergreens

It is quiet out there and the sky is cloudy on Advent. This the time when I decorate the house with christmasy stuff. It has been nearly 20 years that I learnt in Germany how to make a Christmas wreath,…

depeche mode ticket

Depeche Mode concert in London

I have been thinking a lot, how and what to write about the concert of one of the most iconic British Bands from the 80s, having seen them for the first time on stage. I did not want to write…

witney buttercross

What is a buttercross?

The first time I saw a buttercross was when I watched a Poirot episode, the “Cornish Mystery” where Inspector Japp was munching a cornish pasty under (or in front of) a buttercross. The strange building in the middle of the…

windsor post boxes

The English post box

Whenever you go to a souvenir shop in England, it is guaranteed you will find the following symbols in the form of a keyring, fridge magnet, money box etc: cab, Big Ben, British guard, Beefeater, double decker, corgi, phone box…

English Pub Names

There are things in life I am not a fan of but the culture or customs linked to them are attractive. Wine is one of them. I do not like wine and have an allergy to sulphites so drinking wine…

hampton court

English Palladianism and Baroque architecture

The next chapter in English architecture is a bit blurred just like the history: Cromwell’s Commonwealth and then the Restoration. I must admit, I had to read the architecture of this period several times to understand it. One of the…

roast pork with piquant salad

Roast pork with piquant salad for autumn

I think, I have already mentioned that the only connection to the world when I moved to the UK, was the TV, before the broadband was sorted out in the apartment and after 8 years of not watching the TV…

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